- 5G wireless network design relies on 3D aerial data
- 6 things you should know about the HxGN Content Program
- 9 ways to find the right geospatial data partner
- A customer discussion: HxGN Content Program launches aerial imagery streaming service
- Calling 911: Aerial Imagery To The Rescue
- Colour-infrared images provide a different perspective
- Combine artificial intelligence and aerial imagery for added value
- Creating nationwide 3D vector maps from Hexagon’s aerial imagery
- Creating the 3D world – Is it worth the cost?
- Democratizing access to statewide aerial imagery and urban digital twins
- Evaluating geospatial data sources for your project
- Exceeding expectations – HxGN Content Program provides county imagery for cost savings
- Extended Product Offering: HxGN Content Program Update
- First high-resolution, homogeneous Digital Surface Model (DSM) for Germany
- First responders of Hurricanes Irma & Maria can stream pre-disaster aerial imagery
- From the sky to the cloud: The Hexagon Imagery Program takes professional airborne imagery online
- Geo Data for Underserved Rural Communities
- Geospatial CaaS: a cost-effective way to get high-quality imagery
- Geospatial data library based on Alexander’s Model
- Geospatial digital twins can make us all smarter
- Geospatial imagery resolution: how good is good enough?
- Germany in 3D – Professional GIS Data for Everyone
- Good enough for government work: When centimetres matter
- Hexagon adds England, Scotland, and Wales to the HxGN Content Program
- Hexagon and Vansteelandt partner to capture aerial data of Belgium and Luxemburg for the HxGN Content Program
- Hexagon annoncerer DDO® 2022 sommer-ortofotos for Danmark – nu tilgængelig via WMS
- Hexagon announces aerial data collection of eight U.S. states at 6-inch resolution
- Hexagon announces DDO® 2022 summer orthophoto collection of Denmark – now available via WMS
- Hexagon announces DDO® 2024 summer orthophoto collection for Denmark
- Hexagon announces refresh of high-resolution aerial data for 14 U.S. states
- Hexagon announces refresh of Puerto Rico’s and U.S. Virgin Islands’ aerial imagery and elevation mapping data
- Hexagon completes DDO® 2020 summer orthophoto collection of Denmark
- Hexagon Content Program 2018 Update
- Hexagon Imagery Program 2017 Update
- Hexagon Imagery Program releases new airborne imagery content
- Hexagon releases geospatial data of Tokyo, comprising orthophotos, LiDAR point clouds and 3D city models
- Hexagon releases new on-demand geospatial data products on HxDR and integration with GIS applications
- Hexagon Supports Communities Affected by the Colorado Wildfires
- Hexagon supports Hurricane Ida recovery and humanitarian efforts with free aerial imagery of Louisiana
- Hexagon to refresh eight U.S. states at 6-inch resolution in 2023
- Hexagon to update high-resolution geospatial data of twelve US states
- Hexagon’s countrywide aerial imagery assists RoofSnap in serving roofing contractors across the United States
- High-resolution aerial imagery helps hunters plan and prepare
- How does geospatial imagery inform strategic decision making?
- HxGN Content Program delivers state-wide six-inch resolution aerial imagery to Texas
- HxGN Content Program enables machine learning and advanced analytics
- HxGN Content Program introduces digital twins of major cities
- HxGN Content Program is now available through GSA
- HxGN Content Program provides aerial imagery in response to COVID-19
- HxGN Content Program releases new U.S. aerial imagery of more than half the country
- HxGN Content Program to collect new single-season aerial data of 14 U.S. states this year
- HxGN Content Program updates 3 million square kilometres of aerial data in U.S., Europe in 2020
- Improving county access to high-resolution imagery
- Infographic: Ecosystem of the HxGN Content Program
- Infographic: Latest updates on the HxGN Content Program’s 2020 refresh
- Let it go: When aerial data streaming outperforms downloading
- Mapping Denmark’s development: a multi-decade journey with Hexagon’s aerial orthoimagery program
- Mixed, Virtual, Augmented Reality with Geo Data…It’s Long Overdue
- Nationwide DSM & Stereo Imagery Available
- New aerial imagery to be released for 6 states
- New imaging sensor enables flexibility to cover States’ aerial imagery needs
- Paid vs. open-source airborne imagery – 7 questions you should ask yourself before using open source imagery
- Partner Spotlight: Bluesky International Ltd.
- Partner Spotlight: Ecopia AI
- Partner Spotlight: Fugro
- Partner Spotlight: Land Info Worldwide Mapping
- Partner Spotlight: NV5 Geospatial, powered by Quantum Spatial
- Partner Spotlight: Tarin Resource Services Ltd.
- Partner Spotlight: Woolpert
- Puerto Rico relies on Hexagon’s aerial imagery for disaster preparation and response along with daily operations
- Refreshed imagery of eight U.S. states launching this year
- Supporting artificial intelligence solution to parking problem
- Texas Imagery Service leverages new Content+ licensing model
- The critical role of geospatial data accuracy
- The machines are learning but we’re still smarter
- Updating 3 million+ square kilometres for the HxGN Content Program in 2020
- Vital water sustainability efforts in Southern California aided by Hexagon’s high-resolution aerial imagery and elevation data
- Which imagery is better, aerial or satellite?
- Who pays for geospatial content?
- World leader in 3D immersive simulators relies on Hexagon’s digital twins to enhance railroad safety